code of Behaviour
code of behaviour for youth group & youth activities
24:7 Youth Ministry expects that youth will act respectfully to themselves, their Leadership Team and fellow participants.
Youth must accept the ground rules of activities which the Leadership Team will clearly explain to them.
Youth are expected to participate in all activities unless a member of the Leadership Team has previously been informed about the reason for non-participation.
Breaches of discipline and disruptive behaviour, including bullying, will be dealt with in a manner that is fair and transparent, by a Youth Minister and/or Volunteer Leader.
A three-stage process will be followed for any breaches of the Code of Behaviour:
1. A verbal warning from a member of the Leadership Team encouraging the youth to think about their actions;
2. The young person is asked to change their behaviour and/or sit out of the current activity until they are willing to comply. They will be warned that the next step will lead to a call to parents.
3. If the young person continues to be disruptive or non-compliant, their parent or guardian is called to take them home. The youth, parents and youth ministers will be involved in this process. -
Youth, or their parents, who are dissatisfied with any aspect of activities or services can follow a complaints procedure; namely, to inform the Youth Ministers, Support Manager, a member of the Leadership Team or the 24:7 Youth Ministry Director.
Please note:
Parents/Guardians are to ensure drop off and pick up for a youth ministry event is done within the time frame advertised.
Leadership Team members are not permitted to give participants a lift to or from activities without written parent permission.
Any concerns regarding the welfare and safety of children participating in any 24:7 Youth Ministry activity should be brought immediately to the attention of the 24:7 Youth Ministry Director.